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Narikala Fortress

Tbilisi, Georgia

Cultural Treasure

Standing watch over Tbilisi's old town since the 4th century, this defensive stronghold has seen a dizzying change of hands over the centuries. Persians, Arabs, Mongols, Ottomans, and Russians all took their turns, some renaming it and others modifying the castle.  The Narikala Fortress stands as a proud reminder of the tides of change Georgia has endured.

Reaching Narikala Fortress is part of the experience today. A steep walking trail winds up from the city streets below, passing St. Nicholas Church on the way. For the less adventurous, a cable car offers quick access to the top, providing panoramic views over Tbilisi along the ride up. Walking within the fortress grounds, one can explore the ruins while imaging the battles that might have ensued. Breathtaking vistas open up over the winding Mtkvari River and the patchwork of old and new Tbilisi neighborhoods below. Whether hiking up or taking the cable car, a visit to Narikala Fortress rewards travelers with a glimpse into Tbilisi’s past and impressive views of Georgia’s modern capital.


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The Narikala Fortress stands above the center of Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.


The fortress has origins at least to the 4th century A.D. Over the centuries it was reconstructed many times.


With its strategic location and grand views, the fortress served as a crucial area to control the region, and thus the sites of many wars.


One of Tbilisi's most popular sites now, with a cable car now taking visitors to the top quickly. No entranve fee is collected for entry to the castle.


Narikala Fortress

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Cultural Treasure


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     ➨  Tbilisi

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