whether it be into the highest peaks or on the ancient highways, and experience stories of simplicity and kindness that the people who live here breathe life into. Get lost in a remote corner of the Tibetan Plateau, an ancient kingdom in Northern Armenia, or the wild edge of Kazakhstan and China, and find your way back home with a newfound treasure.
We were strangers in far lands when we visited these remote corners of earth over the past six years, and it was there where we experienced kindness and love in the simplest yet most unexpected of way, treated as if family.
It reminds there is another way to live this life, one that has been lived for thousands of years yet may seem lost and forgotten. One built on simplicity and investing in relationships. And after years of wandering in remote lands, we've come to a simple realization about far lands...
We came as strangers, but we left as family.
It's not as far as you think.
Step Into Far Lands, ​
"It's a dangerous business going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."

Jump into a Region to Explore

The Silk Roads
Silk Roads evoke glorious days of past, mirages of exotic locales, and extraordinary tales, captivating explorers from Genghis Khan to Marco Polo. It has also captivated us, as we have made it our quest to explore as much of the Silk Roads as we can and chart it online through an interactive journey.
• Experience the interactive journey from Europe to China
• Explore an interactive map of the Silk Roads
• Choose an Outpost to travel back in time to.

The Treasures of Earth
From the gilded monasteries of Tibet, the desert oases along the Silk Road, abandoned fortresses in the high passes, and the glaciated peaks of the Andes, explore the treasures of Earth.​
Choose a region to step into and explore.
• Himalayas and Tibet Highlands
• Treasures of Earth - Discover a hidden gem from far lands
• Explore the Map - Discover through the interactive map